E-mail: takahiro.uchinaga@icloud.com
English follows Japanese.
IBM, Livedoorを経て、2007年に日本でデジタルマーケティング会社を創業。
2011年に当時世界最大のメディアエージェンシーであった英Aegis Mediaとの資本提携によりIsobar Japanを設立。
Campaign Digital Agency of the Yearにおいて史上初4年連続GOLDを獲得し、そのブランド価値を確立させた。
2013年、電通が行った4,000億円以上に及ぶAegis Media Group買収後のPMIも推進し、Isobarを日本最大級のデジタルソリューションカンパニーへと成長させることに成功。
2016年にIsobarを退任し、Accentureへジョイン。Accenture Interactive 日本統括MDとして、わずか2年半で1,500人を超えるアジア最大級のデジタルチーム設立を実現した。
Starting at IBM, and then Livedoor, Takahiro amassed a wealth of experience which culminated in opening his own Digital Marketing firm in 2007. The startup quickly grew and was bought out by what was at the time, the world's largest media agency, Aegis Media and became Isobar Japan. Under Takahiro, Isobar Japan flourished, garnering 1st place in the Campaign Digital Agency of the Year for four consecutive years. In 2013, Dentsu acquired the Aegis Media Group for over 400 billion yen. Takahiro used this opportunity to turn Isobar into Japan's largest digital solution company through a post merger integration with one of Dentsu’s digital agencies. In 2016, Takahiro switched gears and joined Accenture Interactive as the Lead Managing Director for Japan. Over a short span of 2.5 years, he assembled a team of 1,500 people, which is now the largest digital team in all of Asia.
Today, he continues to aggressively push the boundaries of the digital market. Whether it is investing in companies experimenting with cutting edge technology including AI, robotics, IoTs, blockchain, Big Data and Medical, or looking to Japan's future by contributing to Universities either financially or holding lectures, his focus remains singular: creating a revolution in the digital sector in Japan and beyond.